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Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I'm a big fan of cinema and most recently have made it my goal to make sure I have seen the best 250 movies in the world. As I work my way down this list, I see old movies, new ones, black and white, color, documentaries, and even series and trilogies of movies. I plan to continually add to my own list of the top movies. These following films will be my top five for the time being but might change as time goes on.

1. Citizen Kane-This movie searches the life of the greatest publishing and political tycoon Charles Foster Kane and digs to define the meaning of his dying words, Rosebud.

2. 12 Angry Men-This film depicts a jury in which all but one man, acted by Henry Fonda, attempt to convict a man solely on the purpose of leaving the court early. This man, unconvinced of his guilt, keeps the men in the room trying to get them to go over every aspect of what happened.

3. The Shawshank Redemption-This story is about a man, stuck in prison because of the accusation that he killed his wife. The movies shows his time spent in prison and his clever plan for escape. Anything else said might spoil it for those who have not yet seen it.

4. A Clockwork Orange-A brilliant Stanley Kubrick film based of the book; A young boy named Alex and his droogs wreak havoc around the town committing murder and other atrocities. Once caught, Alex is put into an experiment with the purpose of reforming. This method damages him and upon release is tortured up until being hospitalized.

5. No Country for Old Men-Javier Bardem delivers a frightening, yet incredible role as Sigur, a man in search of a case of money from a drug deal that went south. He will go to whatever measures possible to retrieve it.

Photo made with Juxtapose. By Rob Trahan.
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