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Thursday, October 27, 2011


As I woke up, I stumbled downstairs, literally I tripped and fell down the last 5 stairs to be exact. But upon grabbing the bag of coffee I realized we had three separate bags of grounds, all Starbucks. Immediately what was brought to my mind was Howard Schultz book Onward about Starbuck's fight to not be part of the "norm" or become mediocre as must places do, sacrificing quality for quantity. In this book it expresses one of Howard's main goals to attain with this coffee shop. He wanted it to be the third place, Work, Home, and Starbucks because of course his lack of spiritual morals wouldn't ring a bell in his mind that the third place would be meetings or church for others. The truth to his statement unfortunately has held true for many of the people in the world today. A one year poll shows that there are 1.81 billion Catholics in the world, one of the largest religions in terms of numbers. Starbucks, however, is frequented by regulars across the world by 5 million times each day. 5 million times multiplied by 365 days a year equals 1.825 billion times a year. Starbucks is visited more than the Catholic church.

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