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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pursuit of the Burger

For the last three weeks Chaz Sherill and I have been in pursuit of the best burger in Dallas. As we try these restaurants, from a whole in the wall up to a five star restaurant, we have found that each selection is better than the last. The most recent endeavor was at a place by the name of Wingfield's, which I had a brief review written in my other blog The Happening. This burger was astonishing. The surroundings weren't the most ideal, being that its next too what appears to be an auto shop that's actually a drug or money laundering front and every building besides that has barred windows. I entered a seven eleven to obtain some cash from an ATM and was greeted by my first sight which was a group of women purchasing Budweiser and what appeared to be more than necessary for them to get the job done. I quickly went through the money withdrawing process before a local gang-banger would be able to catch sight of me and steal my money, escaping in his Chevy Impala on 30 inch blades. Lucky for me two officers of local law enforcement, not traffic division, were outside. I made it out alive and with the best burger I have had yet so overall, a good experience. However, I expect the next to be better than the last. So on we move in our never ending adventure for the best burger.

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