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Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Pressing Matter

Today I plan to break from my original format to talk a little about a very pressing matter. A question that has been asked for years... If you were a superhero, what power would you have? However, my plans to address this question will be different from what most say. Each and every power has a weakness and a specific sense of responsibility accompanying it. For all selecting super strength, there are ones indestructible or able to out run your deadly attacks. For all super fast, there are ones who can stop time. For the ones stopping time, the indestructible ones will not suffer because of their ability to withstand what ever follows. This would be a never ending cycle of dog eat dog in which no one ever emerges victorious. Maybe this is why powers and superheroes are not real. They are dreamed up figments of our imagination used to fill the void in our lives of wanting to make a difference. Now the initial positives of a hero would soon be outweighed but the negatives and their ability to choose where to apply their powers, good or evil. So the answer to this long pressing question should be as such, "none, because choice of a power would result in the downfall of this planet and diminishing of our population."

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