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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ice Cream Man

As a kid I was happy to hear the tone of his truck driving on my street, as I ran at front, hoping to not be too late to catch him and get an ice cream bar in the shape of an animated character with gum balls for eyes. Now as I see this creepy man driving, most recently in September, which I know is not current but I felt compelled to write about it, I think that his role is not much different then ol' Mr. Sandusky, attempting to lure children, preferably in large quantities, away from their homes and to his place. The difference is the Ice Cream man builds some rapport with the children and has the nerve to charge the kids money! I'm onto you! Ice Cream Man Beware...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Teen Mom

At one in the morning, Manuel and I happened to come across the television show called Teen Mom. The fascination with this show is still beyond our comprehension, but as our interests were peaked by the sad people who subject themselves to these ridiculous circumstances, we began watching it more and more. Later joined by Toni and Brad, we embarked on a marathon of watching this television show and following the stupid decisions made by these idiotic adolescents. Say what you will about this television show, these people have some pitiful lives and that makes it interesting enough to watch.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Get Out

Recently I began a new job. This occupation was a display specialist for products under Berkshire Hathaway. Now, the pay was good, hours reasonable, and the duties themselves, easier than being a Mom, the easiest job in the world. However, after only my first week I will be forced to quit based on one sole factor, association. Before you say that is ridiculous,let me tell you a story my co-worker relayed to me."My life sucks man. I'm just wrapping up my divorce that is going to cost me upwards of a million. I consulted a friend about having her killed and he said for $10,000 he would make her disappear...Couldn't do it though. I'm too honest. If the police would've asked me I would have told them the killers name." Now this story is not only true, but not even the worst I have heard. I had to get out!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cinema (Part 2)

The following films are the latter half of my top ten list. I have recently completed the first 100 films on IMDB's top 250. I previously posted my top five and whats below is my number 6-10:

6. Reservoir Dogs- In this film, a jewelry heist goes wrong because of a tip-off from an insider. The story explains each character and their search for a mole.

7. The Shining- This showcases what I think to be Jack Nicholson's finest acting. A writer becomes caretaker to a winter lodge where while he is secluded here, is driven mad and attempts to kill his family. He has a real knack for playing a psycho.

8.  Gladiator- Terrific acting and filled with action, a man is falsely accused of killing the emperor and sentenced to slavery. This story explains his journey back to freedom.

9. The Godfather- Enough said.

10. Momento- A Christopher Nolan film, about a man who searches for the man who killed his wife, though he struggles to remember all of what happened.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Box

A movie where a man offers a choice, a test of morals. Now for some the answer would be easy yet, for others maybe not. What follows is what would happen if I would have been offered this deal:
Man: Brock, if you press this button two things will happen. First thing, you will receive one million dollars...
Brock: (Pushes the button)
Man: Uh, didn't you want to know what else happens?
Brock: Nope.
Man: Well someone just died.
Brock: Why didn't you say that before hand?
Man: I tried to. Well, you failed the moral test.
Brock: Dang!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Notice for Wife

Dear Future Wife,
Please don't get the real world mixed up with limbo and then kill yourself in the real world while at the same time making it extremely difficult to do my job by always showing up uninvited and shooting or stabbing someone. If you could just make sure you keep a metal spinning top on your person at all times to distinguish reality that would be great.


I'm a big fan of cinema and most recently have made it my goal to make sure I have seen the best 250 movies in the world. As I work my way down this list, I see old movies, new ones, black and white, color, documentaries, and even series and trilogies of movies. I plan to continually add to my own list of the top movies. These following films will be my top five for the time being but might change as time goes on.

1. Citizen Kane-This movie searches the life of the greatest publishing and political tycoon Charles Foster Kane and digs to define the meaning of his dying words, Rosebud.

2. 12 Angry Men-This film depicts a jury in which all but one man, acted by Henry Fonda, attempt to convict a man solely on the purpose of leaving the court early. This man, unconvinced of his guilt, keeps the men in the room trying to get them to go over every aspect of what happened.

3. The Shawshank Redemption-This story is about a man, stuck in prison because of the accusation that he killed his wife. The movies shows his time spent in prison and his clever plan for escape. Anything else said might spoil it for those who have not yet seen it.

4. A Clockwork Orange-A brilliant Stanley Kubrick film based of the book; A young boy named Alex and his droogs wreak havoc around the town committing murder and other atrocities. Once caught, Alex is put into an experiment with the purpose of reforming. This method damages him and upon release is tortured up until being hospitalized.

5. No Country for Old Men-Javier Bardem delivers a frightening, yet incredible role as Sigur, a man in search of a case of money from a drug deal that went south. He will go to whatever measures possible to retrieve it.

Photo made with Juxtapose. By Rob Trahan.
Available on the app store.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

WalMart- The skidmark

WalMart is the skidmark on the underpants of grocery stores. Don't get me wrong, apart from the rednecks who view this place as a haven where they cannot only purchase groceries, but gun shells and fishing line, there are a class of regular people there to find the good deals on food, drinks, etc. However, apart from these "regular" people, these others have only a few reasons for coming to this dull store of grey and blue walls where all the employees look at you with a look of defeat in there eyes as if that were the last option. Dirt cheap beer and anything that is the great value brand. The only reason I say this is because my last encounter at WalMart consisted of a man purchasing two cases of Natural Light, and great value sausage. I laughed at first until I saw another person doing almost the same thing. Two cases of Budweiser and great value chips and then as if it were a dream, two more. One was carrying Bud Light and great value wings and the other, sure enough, with Miller Light and great value milk. I certainly hope they don't all plan on mixing the following. Maybe it's because I see these things that I think of those at WalMart as a lowest of the low class but with good reason. Rednecks mixing up football and baseball teams, even more recently a young man bolting out with a 50 inch flat screen making it as far as Whataburger, people putting alcohol ahead of providing for their famiy, and now add to that list the sad way people spend their money.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Binary Code Post


Saturday, November 19, 2011

How to Correctly Fall Off a Scissor Lift

I was asked a compelling question the other day. Now this inquiry was obviously an ironic question asked in hopes of receiving a goofy excuse of a response. Unknown, to even myself, as to why this question made me think so much, I began constructing a bulletproof plan to survive a three story fall while a motorized vehicle is being tipped over with you on the top of it. I have devised it into a few steps to be shared with you incase you ever find yourself in such a predicament.

1. You must figure out which direction this scissor lift is tipping so you can determine which side you will have to jump off of.

2. You must wait until the lift is at a tilt of at least a 39 degree angle before you climb over the railing on the opposing side.

3. Once you climb off you will have 3.7 seconds to walk down the side of the falling lift as it nears hitting the ground.

4. Now, at the very moment the lift reaches a 7 degree angle you will then have 1.8 seconds to jump and roll to break the fall, absorbing any of the counter energy from the height of your flight.

5. You have just successfully fallen 3 stories and avoided a life threatening accident. Your welcome.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Enforced By Aircraft

As I'm driving through Tennessee on my way to New York, I notice a lot of the same signs in every town until Virginia. "No Radars, Speed Limit Enforced By Aircraft." Now it could be just me but I don't think they want you speeding. All I could imagine is the car in front of me accelerating about to pass a car and suddenly, shhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHH DOOM BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM SHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhwhooo. Any city that is willing to kill those speeding means that they are taking their right to exercise the death penalty way too far, as another guy speeds up and DADDADADADADADADA. So this is a forewarning to those who think, " 70 mph? I'll do 75." It could mean your life!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cocaine and Coffee

It's funny how through closer examination the simple yet popular drink so many are dependent on is so similar to a drug outlawed for the dangerous process the brain undergoes when using it. I had a few points I found interesting that I wanted to share.

Contrary to popular belief, coffee or caffeine doesn't just inject energy into your bloodstream. Your nervous system produces amounts of adenosine, which, when it has reached a certain level, induces sleep. Now, those levels are monitored by receptors of the brain known as the A1 receptor, which sends signals to the body about what function to begin.

So, essentially, what this caffeine is doing is telling these receptors to hold off on the sleeping or resting processes that the brain attempts to set in. When cocaine is administered into the bloodstream, the dopamine forms to these same receptors, repeating the same process, heightening the opposite of what the receptors wish to do. The amount of intensity is obviously different to an extent, especially when the drug had been laced with a by-product, but still it has the same effects.

The real harm doesn't come until the process of preparing the cocaine is left up to the street dealer in which it then undergoes many unsanitary processes to save on money. As coffee progresses onward and people's addictions on it become worse, these same processes to prolong use for less money may come into place, making it no better than cocaine.

Who would've thought this beverage that many lives "depend" on wasn't far off from the dangerous street drug with a reputation of hospitalizing people over prolonged use?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Long Road Home

I'm driving back to Texas from LA and there is nothing more boring than a long winding highway of flat land with no scenic value whatsoever. I firmly believe that over the course of the next 15 years, that Apple's duty should be to develop Siri's capabilities to handle that of operating motor transportation. This technology is already advanced enough to have the sleight understanding of human reasoning. All that's missing is auto pilot. Before Steve Jobs died it is said he left some invention ideas. Prepare yourself for the Apple A1 car. It's coming...

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Cure on the Move

In June of 2009, a man named Ken Miles suffered from a heart attack. He was told that 30% of his heart was damaged and that his life would never be the same.

3 weeks following this a man by the name of Mike Jones suffered from a similar heart attack, uncertain of whether it would ever be within his ability to recover. However, the odds were pressed against both them.

They had both agreed to undergo a procedure of treating the damaged areas of the heart with stem cells grown from their own heart weeks earlier. Now according to studies, a patients Left Ventricle Ejection Fraction, a measure of blood flow to the heart per each contraction, has to be above 40% to have not suffered from heart damage. These patients, both at around 30.3%, had within 3 months improved this LVEF to 38.5%. And as they continued treatment for a year, had revived to back to 42.5%!

Advancements like this show the direction of where research is being applied, and though not every sickness will ever be healed, they are making amazing strides towards minimizing the vast numbers of people suffering from heart damage and failure.

Influence of Television on Desire

After a brief conversation with Mr. Rob Trahan yesterday I discovered how often a craving or desire is induced from a simple series of actions or repetition on a television show. We recognized that after the both of us had watched the Big Bang Theory, that the common meals of Thai food they ate without letup every Thursday had resulted in our own personal hankering for this cuisine. The more we discussed the matter, the more it became apparent that it was more than this that held true to be an influence on me. Their repetitive use of only Fiji water, their schedule of watching old superhero movies, and even their arrangement of their cereals, organized based on fiber content. All of these factors had worn off on me over the course of watching this series. The thought that a simple show could induce a particular behavior and set of actions without that even as a primary intention is truly astonishing. Through this I began analyzing other habits I had picked up from watching my regular series, and sure enough, there were plenty to which I had never given thought. I suggest as a daily exercise you just meditate on your daily schedule, your habits, and likes as well as dislikes and contrast them to your common television series to see what you come up with. It's likely that over the course of time you have developed tendencies like that of common characters on television.

Most Expensive Photo in the World

While cruising along the dreary coastline, a man must've decided that the most compelling photo ever was to his left. At this he snapped a quick photo and somewhere in the course of time decided an appropriate name for it to be "Rhein II" by Andreas Gursky. Days ago this photo's name changed to a title, the most expensive photo ever sold at the outrageous amount priced at $4.3 million, exceeding the old record of $3.8 million. Attached will be this photo for your opinions and open for comments on how you view the purchase of this piece.

Monday, November 7, 2011


The recent explosion of the electronic side of music has both perplexed and awed many. The amount of listeners has increased by 52% alone this year. This style of alternative music has existed for some time but has remained relatively underground besides some of the headliners like Daft Punk and older early stage Deadmau5. It has grown so rapidly because of its appeal towards different audiences. Whether your a hardcore music fan and enjoy Skrillex, the old singer of From First to Last, or whether you prefer more upbeat tunes like that of Justice, there is something out there for everyone. Will this new wave of BPM's and electronic overlays progress onward in this constant changing music scene?

Thursday, November 3, 2011


After consideration on what makes these most recent games so popular I came to the conclusion of what they had in common. They are all stupid. Yet, people still find them fun. These are a few of my "planking" like ideas that will hopefully become popular of the next few years.

v. 1. the act of performing the fetal position in unorthodox places

v. 1. the act of performing the captain morgan stance in extremely dangerous places; such as the roof of a skyscraper on a windy day

v. 1. the process of you and a collection of friends filling the corners of a room, facing the wall
(This was brought to you by the intricate mind of Chaz Sherill, his blog is entitled stuff you need to be aware of and its located under the blogs I follow.)

v. 1. the act of jumping from one story buildings in a full spread eagle position

v. 1. the act of running up on a random person while simultaneously throwing a collar with a leash on around their neck

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sheldon Cooper

Star of the Big Bang Theory, Sheldon Cooper shines under his role as a Theoretical Physicist who's brilliance portrays him to be ignorant to many of the common formalities or conventional understandings we have. His character develops as an obsessive compulsive scientist working on M Theory or String Theory. He comes to countless dead ends and is constantly distracted and sidetracked by the shenanigans of his roommate Leonard, and his friends Penny, Raj, and Howard. This never deters him, however, as he continues to move closer and closer to an end result with his research. As this series progresses, he becomes less robot and more human, allowing his friends to teach him to be more like a "real boy." His acting is superb and role in this series continues to amaze me. This show has no interest in stopping anytime soon and that couldn't make me happier.

Fast Food

It's funny how, much more recently, the quality of the already mediocre fast food restaurants has been in a decline. What use to be a quick stop where you could eat a fast, greasy meal for very cheap is now long lines wrapping around the parking lot with combos pricing 7-10 dollars, smaller portions, and cheaper ingredients. Though this has been a realization for many for quite some time already it was not until recently that I discovered how truly inedible some of these once tasty fast food joints have become. Taking a break from my search for the world's best burger, I decided to grab a bacon cheese burger really quick on my way home. The first place I come across is Wendy's, where I use to really enjoy their burgers. As I pull into the parking lot to go to the drive thru, I come across what appears to be 6 cars in the line. I figured that according to their title of "fast food" that this line would move at a relatively quick pace. This was wrong. I sat there for 20 minutes before I was even able to order in which I had a lady recall over my very basic order at least 7 times, as she constantly added mistake after mistake. After another 10 minutes I made it to the window and drove off feeling unsatisfied with the experience already. When I made it home, I sat down to eat what better have been the best burger of my life based on what I went through. The meat was over cooked, cheese tasted as if it had been sitting out, bun was hard, and there were tomatoes which I had asked for none of multiple times. Now I understand, after having worked at a McDonald's that the goal of a fast food restaurant is to make a profit of what cost you next to nothing to make. But the sacrifice of quality that was poor to begin with is a crime. This food will becoming a dying breed if it continues in this direction and based of what I tasted, this wouldn't be a bad thing.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Pizza Battle Royale

In Lake City, Florida two Domino's managers decided that they would go to any means necessary to secure their spot as the number one pizza provider. Papa John's had been making a run at their "turf" so what these managers did is launch an all out attack. They set fire to a Papa John's in hopes of eliminating this competition but seemed to let it slip their mind that arson is a felony. Now, both under arrest, these managers admit it was a bad idea but they think it was an attempt to rise to supremacy. Sad times we live in.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Pressing Matter

Today I plan to break from my original format to talk a little about a very pressing matter. A question that has been asked for years... If you were a superhero, what power would you have? However, my plans to address this question will be different from what most say. Each and every power has a weakness and a specific sense of responsibility accompanying it. For all selecting super strength, there are ones indestructible or able to out run your deadly attacks. For all super fast, there are ones who can stop time. For the ones stopping time, the indestructible ones will not suffer because of their ability to withstand what ever follows. This would be a never ending cycle of dog eat dog in which no one ever emerges victorious. Maybe this is why powers and superheroes are not real. They are dreamed up figments of our imagination used to fill the void in our lives of wanting to make a difference. Now the initial positives of a hero would soon be outweighed but the negatives and their ability to choose where to apply their powers, good or evil. So the answer to this long pressing question should be as such, "none, because choice of a power would result in the downfall of this planet and diminishing of our population."

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Trick or Treating?

It's sad, a holiday based on spending money to set up a costume, buying your own candy to give away at your house as you send your young children out in the dark to go knock on strangers doors asking for candy. At a younger age even, my mind has always thought of a better way for these pagans to do this. Why waste all the money on costumes, candy to give away, and do all this risking the safety of your young children? Why wouldn't they just go buy the kid 50 dollars worth of candy and some toothpaste? Not to mention they wouldn't have to waste all their extra energy walking throughout an entire neighborhood. The reality is that people really have their priorities messed up. Over the past 4 years, 540 kids have died from 4-10 P.M. on Halloween. You would think this would ring a bell in parent's heads but instead these facts are ignored. This holiday held so dear by the world is truly frightening. I post this because of an employee at Target asking me why I don't celebrate Halloween. After this awakening she said she wasn't sure if she even felt safe with her kids going in this door-to-door spree with the goal of being scared and at the same time receiving treats from these unknown figures. Sometimes it appears that just some of the truth behind these pagan rituals can prove as a witness.

Pursuit of the Burger

For the last three weeks Chaz Sherill and I have been in pursuit of the best burger in Dallas. As we try these restaurants, from a whole in the wall up to a five star restaurant, we have found that each selection is better than the last. The most recent endeavor was at a place by the name of Wingfield's, which I had a brief review written in my other blog The Happening. This burger was astonishing. The surroundings weren't the most ideal, being that its next too what appears to be an auto shop that's actually a drug or money laundering front and every building besides that has barred windows. I entered a seven eleven to obtain some cash from an ATM and was greeted by my first sight which was a group of women purchasing Budweiser and what appeared to be more than necessary for them to get the job done. I quickly went through the money withdrawing process before a local gang-banger would be able to catch sight of me and steal my money, escaping in his Chevy Impala on 30 inch blades. Lucky for me two officers of local law enforcement, not traffic division, were outside. I made it out alive and with the best burger I have had yet so overall, a good experience. However, I expect the next to be better than the last. So on we move in our never ending adventure for the best burger.

Cats superiority to Humans- or so they think

After a very deterring argument with Madison about cats, it came to my attention that some people actually think cats LIKE them. This could not be farther from the truth. Cats have 2 wishes in life. First, feed me you pathetic stupid humans. Second, shut up and leave me alone idiots until I feel I need to be petted and then I will come to you. And somehow, for the people whom cats play an important role in their lives, they still love the cat like a child. Now, not to say that their are the rare few exceptions of cats who have attachments to their owners. There are. But as a whole cats continue living their lives believing that you serve no purpose to them and that they could continue the same style of life without you.

Friday, October 28, 2011


As Chaz and I sit at Northpark mall people watching while simultaneously powering through the best tasting lemon sugar cookies you will have ever eaten, curtesy of Whole Foods, we observe what is considered to be a common sight. A family, all large in size, sit eating an arrangement of fast food; Panda Express, Sonic, Which Wich, and Chick-fil-a. All, including the kids, had large combos and absolutely had licked the cardboard boxes clean that once held the greasy tasting contraptions that they hold so dear to their heart. And people inquire as to why our nation is so obese. Lay off the fried mayonnaise balls. And they say our past time is baseball. All people of Texas have is the largest amount of greasy, cheap, large quantity fast food chains in which they can frequent an become addicted forcing themselves into an early death. It's sad, really sad.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rangers-World Series? You do not deserve it.

For the many watching the pathetic display the Ranger's put on of what they call "world series baseball," I apologize to you. The many citizens of Texas have waited decades to see their sports team finally win and with Cruz missing one of the most simplest catches and Feldman messing up the 10th inning it seems that day will never come. However, their loss cannot be blamed solely on the players shortcomings. It's all a government conspiracy. You think the government would allow one of the biggest events of the year fall a game short, meaning that the revenue from the 7th game would be lost? I don't think so. It always has to break even and then the teams will actually be unleashed to play to full potential at hopes that their team will emerge victorious and reign supreme. You say, "But Brock, last year the world series was only five games?" Well it would appear that they have duped you. That was a stunt to shake the curious off their tails. But I will not be misled.

Who's Truck?

As I park in my local Chick-fil-a parking lot, I spot an oversized truck, appearing to have a lift of at least a few feet. It looks as if a car could pass under it like in The Fast and the Furious. Anyways, as I walk inside I begin scanning the room out of pure curiosity. I see a very large man dressed like a hunter or Nascar fan so automatically I assume this is the owner. Case closed. It wasn't until after I saw this very man walk outside and get into a Prius that I began wondering who could own this ridiculous monstrosity. As I am eating I see a very small lady stand up and begin walking for the door. She drew my attention because when I say she was small, I am referring to somewhere in the 4 foot range. She walks directly up to the truck hops up on the foot ladder on the side, opens the door, and then exercises what seems to be gymnast training as she launches herself into the driver seat. The door is slammed reversed and then peels out of the parking lot. Lesson learned. I wont ever judge a book by its cover.



As I woke up, I stumbled downstairs, literally I tripped and fell down the last 5 stairs to be exact. But upon grabbing the bag of coffee I realized we had three separate bags of grounds, all Starbucks. Immediately what was brought to my mind was Howard Schultz book Onward about Starbuck's fight to not be part of the "norm" or become mediocre as must places do, sacrificing quality for quantity. In this book it expresses one of Howard's main goals to attain with this coffee shop. He wanted it to be the third place, Work, Home, and Starbucks because of course his lack of spiritual morals wouldn't ring a bell in his mind that the third place would be meetings or church for others. The truth to his statement unfortunately has held true for many of the people in the world today. A one year poll shows that there are 1.81 billion Catholics in the world, one of the largest religions in terms of numbers. Starbucks, however, is frequented by regulars across the world by 5 million times each day. 5 million times multiplied by 365 days a year equals 1.825 billion times a year. Starbucks is visited more than the Catholic church.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Jack in the Box Theory

It's humorous how anytime you decide to run and grab a snack after 11 P.M. that the only place not only open but completely packed is Jack in the Box. The store is like the zap porch light drawing all these bugs in and then ZAP! The difference here is the door light saying open and the concept of getting two greasy tacos for 99 cents seems to be one of the most universally appealing signals for all of the stoners, drunks, and wannabe hood rats. And instead of death just eating this dangerous, hardly edible food they pass out on the grey tables until they wake up sobered up enough to drive home. It's truly a sad sight as you look through the windows of the drive-thru and then back again at the poor employees who must have had a criminal record or made a scheduling manager very mad to deserve such a terrible shift.

From an Artists Perspective

I've always had a weird fascination with trees, and also felt that they usually go over looked and under appreciated, as do most beautiful things in this world. So I wanted to convey their importance and how vital they truly are to our survival by displaying a tree intertwined with most of our major organs and inner workings. (i.e. brain, lungs, heart, and veins, etc.) -
Madison Gladu

This painting came from the mind of an aspiring artist currently studying in the Dallas Area. Her pieces show how creative her mind is and about the true thoughts that go into the dreaming up of these forms of art.

Dwight K. Schrute

Besides Sheldon Copper I think that most of us can agree that one of the most amazing characters ever introduced on television is Dwight K. Schrute. A successful salesman whose unorthodox background causes his ability to understand peoples behavior to suffer. However, street smarts from operating his 60 acre beat farm and knowledge of animals shows that he has both an intelligent side, and a ridiculously idiotic side in which he has an inability to cope with Jim Halpert's mischievous pranks.

Dwight, or Rainn Wilson, shines as both a supporting actor and someone with great potential to have his own lead role. Yet, time and time again Dwight proves himself to be incapable of accomplishing such a task.

In Season 7 episode 24, Dwight's dreams come true when he takes over role as acting manager. Immediately his vision of an efficient workplace go into effect and his no-nonsense policy shows that he can work as a successful manager. And just as he prepares for his CEO's visit, his worst nightmare occurs and he mistakingly fires a gun. This causes his office workers to blackmail him into letting them return some things back to the way they previously were. Eventually he snaps, tells Joe, and he loses the position forever.

One day this master of comedy will take on a lead role in which he will allow his true inner comedic genius to shine, but until then, he will be the same assistant to the regional manager that we all know and love.


Though I've already made my post for the day it would seem my recent encounter that just occurred at Walmart, which by the way is the skid mark on the underpants of grocery stores, was note worthy and needed to be shared. As I enter this dull store and it's culmination of grey walls and blue banners, I already begin to feel a sort of sadness because of my compromise resulting from not wanting to drive far to reach the far more superior target store. As I sluggishly walk to the back to get the bottled water, milk, and eggs I came for I am approached by an employee. This gentlemen, a very colorful and lively redneck whose first recommendation has to do with their sale on keystone light, begins a conversation with me about football. Now as assumed, if a redneck brings up football to me, a person who only follows LSU and Saints games along with a handful of others, I immediately think my knowledge to be bested. But it wasn't until this intelligent comment that I remembered where I live. "Man you know them rangers are gonna make it all the way to the Super Bowl." Now from here is when I struggled with whether to laugh as a joke but at the possibility he was genuinely mentally unstable which was not a risk I'm willing to take. I agreed and hurried off before being exposed to more of his opinion on his favorite football team, the Rangers. The redneck culture is a very unique one indeed.

Recent Studies

A recent study over binary options as part of preparation for a series 7 test have shown me how common procedures on things such as cars and homes apply everywhere. Options work as a down payment does. You buy a future of a stock for a smaller amount with lower risk and less up front money, as if you wished to purchase a 15,000 dollar car but only had 3,000, you would put that down and pay over a period until a set end date or "expiration date" in which you could then pay the remainder or sell it to someone else who wishes to do so. Its funny how these processes come in so many forms. However, just how an option may be exercised because of tax implications, you can still not be approved for a car even if you can cover the down payment based off credit scores. No matter how much society continues to progress in it's continual advancement of more efficient ways of doing things, these age old procedures will still be in place.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Main Statement

First I thought I'd start off by addressing the name of this blog. M.I.P. stands for Misadventures of an Ingenious Proportion. This is a simple statement of how my life experiences never work out in a conventional way, nor do any of my ideas portray the genius thoughts that I had originally intended on. Well in the future, however, I plan on addressing some of life's many mysteries from a point of view much of the world has not yet heard from. But, of course, will be constantly related the common idiocracies I find myself a part of and how my plans to be a genius always fall short.